
The state council energy policy to encourage 2012 white paper what overall entering

The "finance and economics" comprehensive report 】 according to the sound of economy the wide central financial review report, the state council information office 24th afternoon just issued the China's energy policy 2012 "white paper," China's energy sources development present situation, the energy development policy and goals, and comprehensively promote energy conservation, to develop new energy and renewable energy, promoting fossil energy clean development, improve the energy universal service level, accelerate energy science and technology progress, deepen the energy system reform, strengthen energy international cooperation "and so on nine aspects carried on the detailed elaboration.
The white paper said, in 2011, China's primary energy production amounted to 3.18 billion tons of standard coal, ranked first in the world, the thermal power supply coal consumption than 2006 fell to 10%. From 2006 to 2011, China's per capita primary energy consumption of 2.6 tons of standard coal, increased by 31%; Per capita natural gas consumption increased by 110%, the per capita power consumption increased by 60%, the use of natural gas has a population of more than 180 million.
In a white paper it "deepen energy system reform" has made the detailed introduction, emphasize China will firmly push reform energy field, and give full play to the basic role of the market in resource allocation. All listed in national energy planning project, in addition to the laws and regulations explicitly prohibited beyond, to the folk capital to open. Encourage private capital to participate in energy resources exploration and development, oil and natural gas pipe network construction, the electric power construction, continue to support folk capital fully into the new energy and renewable energy industry. The rapid development of our country economy to energy strategy and energy policy formulation brings great challenge.
China's energy and HanXiaoPing chief information officer, said China's energy industry is walking in the forefront of the world.
HanXiaoPing said, no energy is no economy, these ten years, we of the energy industry to support the rapid development of economy and the rapid development of China's economy this is never before in human history of. Such a big country, so much of the population, so quickly toward modernization, the energy industry made great achievement, whether the electric power, coal or oil, natural gas, each China's energy industry are walking in the forefront of the world.
Energy policy is the core problem of the energy industry, there is no one country, do not take the energy policy formulation. "China's energy policy 2012" mentioned in the white paper, China will firmly push reform energy field, and give full play to the basic role of the market in resource allocation. This made clear our country energy industry development direction. And, among them clearly put forward to encourage private capital to participate in the energy industry. HanXiaoPing think, let the private enterprise into the key industry, for the sustainable development of our economy has a very important role.
HanXiaoPing said, China is now in addition to individual other than energy industry, almost all open, and new signs that the original oil only in the oil, sinopec such company open, and now it is possible to pass shale gas breakthrough, oil and gas industry will also open for private enterprises. The ministry of land and resources in the new round of shale gas bidding, there are 91 companies bought bid ready to bid, of which more than one third is the private enterprise, and local state-owned enterprises and some such as renmin non-oil businesses are to enter the market. Diversified investment is promote and guarantee oil energy supply is very key support, especially in clean energy, only more enterprise for more funds, technology investment, human resources investment, to maintain the sustainable development of the economy, to maintain the environment for continual improvement. So now let more private enterprise into the very key.
Now, wind power, solar private enterprise in almost the entire Chinese clean energy industry plays a leading role. Another recent gas open, natural gas is in the downstream terminal have a lot of company is the non-state-owned economy. In addition, coal private enterprises have been also development good, although during the integration, there are still a lot of large private enterprises. Electric power industry private enterprises in the contraction, but as the distributed energy technology promotion and national attention, more private enterprise also come into the industry. Finally we should optimize the industrial structure, let more enterprises to promote China's economic sustainable development, it needs to have more private enterprise, non-public ownership economy into this industry, through the competition in the industry present optimization.
More enterprises to participate in China's energy development is very good. A recent two years, like the relationship between coal price adjustment, and finished product oil prices, taxes and fees reform linkage, etc., are the hot issues of energy, and is closely linked with people's livelihood. HanXiaoPing says that on these reform as the foundation, in the energy system reform in the future our goal is to attract more investment, reduce the resource price, improve the competitiveness of the country.
HanXiaoPing said, price reform is a very key factor. Now many price are fuchsia, cross subsidies, such as electricity price is cross subsidy, part of the electricity more people enjoy subsidies more, and it is for this kind of cross subsidy, make the power industry produces the product cannot reflect the real cost. Oil and gas also have the same problem, because the product cannot reflect the real cost, many private enterprises could not enter this industry, so aeriform in through a glass door private enterprises out of the gate outside, so the price is very key to straighten out.
The average price of the leadership of the state council, and through the price reform as the most important recent reform to point now, whether natural gas price reform, step electricity price reform, oil price reform, are likely to further promote the process of marketization. Our ultimate goal is to attract more enterprise come in, through the more enterprises to form more investment, formation depression benefit. In all directions to meet the funds came in, resources will be increased, through the competition finally resources price will drop, the competitiveness of the our country is therefore improved.